Strawberry facts

Where do strawberries come from? Enjoy local fresh strawberries by visiting a farm near you.

Bring containers and strike out to a strawberry farm near you. Click on the ‘Find A Farm‘ button to find one.

Farms have either ‘U-Pick’ or ready picked, field-ripened strawberries or both. Buy a basket or a flat for preserving your delicious strawberries. BC strawberry growers guarantee that you will not be disappointed in the fresh juicy taste of BC’s field-ripened strawberries.

It is advisable to call ahead to be sure there is a supply.

Did you know that strawberries:

  • were cultivated in ancient Rome!
  • were used as a medicinal herb as early as the 13th Century.
  • are not really a fruit or a berry but are the enlarged receptacle of the flower.
  • are grown in every province in Canada.
  • are a member of the Rose family!
  • have a museum dedicated to them in Belgium.
  • were first cultivated back in the 16th and 17th Centuries.
  • have only 55 calories per cup, 0 cholesterol! and 0 fat…go ahead indulge.
  • are very high in vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.